It’s been so long, I am having to learn to use WordPress again…. everything has changed so much!

It has been seven years! Seven whole years since I used this diary, blog whatever you want to call it. I have excuses, tonnes of them but what is an excuse worth… let’s just move on.

My growing distain of social media has driven me back here. Finally I can write again, armed with spectacles that allow my aging eyeballs to actually see what I’m doing! A hurdle I really struggled with before. I had a pair but they were useless, these ones are just incredible, I can see everything again! Return of reading, writing, realising how terrible some of my photo processing had become! oh, and I actually played a proper video game for the first time in years the other day! I played Mario on the Nintendo Switch, it was so fun!

Since I was last here, the business has grown to a beast of a thing incorporating a gallery I have named Numbat Gallery, something I have wanted to do for ages. I have returned to photography, now focusing on capturing the natural world. My definition of what that means keeps changing and has resulted in me having numerous Instagram accounts but the aim of this diary has always been to represent me as a human, my journey through life and the various twists and turn that takes. To document my travels, troubles, joys and discoveries… Heck, I’ve even become a teacher / educational facilitator since we last spoke. I homeschool Austin since he had a shit of a time at high school, we’re a couple of years into that already! More on that later.

Planning on zig zagging back and forth in time a little as things come to mind that I have wanted to share but not having the platform to do so, or they’ve been lost in the daily scroll that is Facebook & Instagram.

I have so many images to share, not just birds, all sorts of stuff but the birds have really fascinated me this last few years. Finding them has been a real life treasure hunt, capturing great images of them an incredible challenge. I have become quite the ‘digital’ photographer having disliked digital photography since its takeover of film back in the late 90’s, early 2000’s. I can no longer imagine dealing with rolls of transparency film and have embraced digital fully, even moving to the Nikon Z mirrorless system which has been an exciting journey. One I will be sure to share with you. Some of my favourite images are in the banner at the top of the home page but I’ll be sure to share many many more as time goes on.

Aus & I spend many hours walking, talking, exploring our home. We walk the bush by day, by night and everything in between. Our cameras are never far from reach and we’ve both captured some fabulous images. Really, they have been lost on social media! Maybe they’ll be lost here too but maybe they won’t… maybe when combined with my rambles, they’ll make more sense and more people will actually appreciate them rather than a handful of ‘likes’

The pic I’ve shared with this post I guess to me is kind of symbolic of everything I’m chasing at the moment! Amazing light, endangered animals (Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo) and the plight of our nearest National Park, Yanchep which appears to be dying before our very eyes. I have been documenting the park’s changes in my photographs. Again, more on that to come. I have lots to share!

This year will bring some new adventures, maybe our last with ‘kids’ as they’re both growing up so fast, lots of tales to tell.

For now, I guess Im welcoming myself back and inviting you to follow along!
